When someone asks me what I especially value about ANIXE, I answer without any doubts: "work-life balance"
According to the Internet, the definition of "work-life balance" is "the ability to combine work along with other spheres of human life, such as home, family, social activity or your own interests." The problem with this term is that it means something different for everyone. For me, it is the way to be more effective at work and in private life, but for my team-mate, it's a chance to spend more time with her daughter. Fortunately, ANIXE allows for the realization of every way of "work-life balance."
Morning birds, owls and yoga
I am not an early bird, so getting up at 6 am reminds me more of medieval torture than a joyful beginning of the day. Especially, to be on time at work in the big city is almost impossible. How to be on time when the tram has a ten-minute delay, and there are traffic jams everywhere? That is why flexible working hours are a blessing for me.
AT ANIXE, business hours are from 10 am to 2 pm. During these hours everyone should be available to other employees. Then most of the meetings and calls take place. What about the rest of your work time? Well, you can plan it according to your needs, really. It is not a problem when I go out earlier from work to visit a doctor or to take care of private matters (and most importantly, no one is really interested in the details of why I go out). I can always make up for the missing hours in the next few days. Such management of my own time allows me to pursue my passion and hobbies. I have no excuse not to go to the gym or a language course. I can go to yoga classes at 8 am instead of 5 pm when it’s crowded and satisfaction is lower. Flexible working time also helps me to organize administrative matters - in my previous work, a trip to a bank meant a day off or asking the boss to leave work earlier. In ANIXE, I do not have to do this. If I plan it well and do my job, I can go out at 2 pm.
What are the other advantages of such freedom in managing my work time? Personally, I think I am more effective. I do not waste my time! For example, when I have a "bad day," I do not scroll Facebook nor do the tasks sloppily, looking yearningly at the clock. I prefer to go out earlier and work when I am really inspired. The company receives good quality and finished work, and I don't become frustrated and tired.
Parenthood life
Flexible working time also makes the parents’ life easier. They can leave work early to pick up their children and spend more time with them in the afternoons. In ANIXE, you will not meet a stereotypical, frustrated parent who sees his children only on weekends. Many of them actively spend their time with children also during the week, and at work, they boast of photos from joint trips.
Coming (occasionally) to work with a child is an extra easement for the parent. It was real salvation during the teachers' strike when the schools were closed. While parents from other companies had to take vacation leaves, here in ANIXE, employees could come to the office with their children. Despite parental responsibilities, my work colleagues actively participate in the life of the company, conduct internal training, and take part in company trips. I'm glad these duties are compatible.
Work hard, play hard
During the first days at ANIXE, I was a bit surprised that colleagues from various teams and departments arrange badminton or football games often or ride bikes together on weekends. Later, I understood that they just like each other so much that they want to spend time together after work. I also observe and appreciate the importance of the monthly integration meetings in the office or the traditional full-weekend trips personally - in the summer to Boszków and in the winter to Spindleruv Mlyn. The most crucial element for the family atmosphere in ANIXE is good relations with people. Despite my short work experience in this company, I feel that I am part of it.
Ergonomics is the key!
When I graduated, my biggest nightmare was the vision of 8 hours behind the desk and often business trips. I was so happy when I saw that in ANIXE, none of these nightmares became a reality. It is all due to the ergonomic office and modern technological solutions.
The ANIXE office was designed according to the philosophy of Activity Based Working (ABW). This is the work model proposed by Goodman Birtcher in 2012. The functional system meets the changing standards of creative office work, giving a sense of openness and the possibility of implementing personal habits while at the same time lifting the nuisance of the open-space system. Some people feel comfortable in their own workplace, while others prefer to work in quiet rooms or on elegant sofas or in the bustling "heart of the office".
For me, the most important thing is that I have a choice. I can get up from the desk and work on a comfortable couch or sit in the kitchen. It allows my back to feel relaxed even after 8 hours of work. This atmosphere and the fact that I can change the position of my body make me feel at home. I have a choice, and I can change my surroundings. More about our office - read here: https://anixe.pl/news/cozy_in_your_cubicle/
I could go on and on about the advantages of working at ANIXE, but I will try not to keep you much longer. If you are interested in what everyday life in ANIXE looks like, check out our Facebook or send your CV. Maybe you will find your place here.