From IT Service Desk Specialist to Support Manager - Kasia’s story
“I am involved in such a mixture of daily work myself, and it is constant cooperation between different squads. I could even say that I am like a well-known device: I connect people”
said Kasia, who currently works as a Support Manager but has been at ANIXE for over 5 years.
You have come a long way in ANIXE. What was it like at the beginning?
Beginnings are always the most important. It is a bit like with watching a movie; if the first 10 minutes are not intriguing enough, it's not worth watching the whole movie. My beginnings were challenging, and I would even say adventurous. It was a whole new world to discover, a totally new environment and a bunch of people with various personalities. I came to understand very quickly that regardless of the amount of information and complexity of the systems I had to acknowledge, I already felt like being a part of that Untypical Adam's Family, a weird one but extremely supportive and loving. This helps a lot and allows you to grow and gain experience and self-confidence.
What did your career path in ANIXE look like during all these years?
I started as an IT Service Desk Specialist, working 12-hour long shifts and gaining an overall knowledge about customer care, products, systems and tools. At some point, I was chosen, almost through "democratic elections", to become the leader of the IT Service Desk team. It was an honour and a challenge at the same time; thankfully, I had great support and help from the team. After a while, our company started to grow rapidly, with more projects, more people, and new needs. During that adjustment period, I received yet another chance to take care of the Technical Support team.
Could you describe the difference between the IT Service Desk and Technical Support teams?
I would describe the IT Service Desk as the Night Watch from the Game of Thrones series. They are on the first line of fire, always ready to help and support. However, to win a battle, a hero is needed, so Technical Support would be more like Jon Snow, who bears the burden of responsibility for a successful battle. They are experts, the first point of escalation; by relying on their experience and skills, we keep our products alive.
What do you do as a Support Manager?
I try to support my two teams: The IT Service Desk and the Technical Support teams. I have huge help from Adam, who is currently leading the IT Service Desk. The Technical Support situation is a bit different because of their hybrid-type role, which requires /both skills and knowledge in different areas, starting from technical through to business and operational. I am involved in such a mixture of daily work myself. It is constant cooperation between different squads, and I could even say that I am like a well-known device: I connect people ;-). What is more, and here I could use a quote from my favourite book, The silence of the lambs, I like solving problems cause: “Problem-solving is hunting; it is a savage pleasure, and we are born to it.”
What is the biggest challenge in your current role?
As always, the biggest challenge is defining both unified and unique procedures adequate for different teams all at the same time. Defining processes and guidelines make work easier because there are always so many things that should be taken into consideration.
How would you describe your leadership style?
I always wanted to be seen as a fair leader, one that can and wants to appreciate the work of others and, at the same time, is still demanding. I do not believe that progress can be achieved without that. I do not have a style; I would say I have empathy and common sense.
What is it about ANIXE that has encouraged you to stay here for such a long time?
ANIXE is a place where you can make a difference if you have ideas, motivation, and ambition. It is growing and changing, and if only you are flexible, creative and hardworking, you can find your own development path here. In addition, you will find people who will support you because they simply want to.
How do you spend your time after work?
It has always been and probably will always be, gaining knowledge about serial killers, their modus operandi, motivation, psychology, and life in general. Apart from that music, always and forever: Queen, Evanescence and Two Steps From Hell.